Chasing a Better You

Thursday, April 24, 2014


Matthew 11:12 From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force. My question to you is "When was the last time you violently witnessed for the kingdom?" This text is a reminder of the heavy and awesome responsibility we have in building the kingdom of God here on earth. It urges us to act as the Apologists (defenders of the faith), we were called to be to prepare a pathway to Heaven. To do this, we must protect our faith. Our faith adequately displayed will preach the best sermon. It (faith) keeps us focused, our fight keeps us holy and our future keeps us hopeful. There is nothing new under the sun. The fight has been constant since the days of John. So even in this day, we should feverishly & diligently work in pursuit of peace, blessedness and pardon (forgive). Therefore my brothers and sisters go forth and violently make disciples!!! The degree of violence you exhibit in your faith determines the number of souls you win for kingdom building! I violently fought to offer Jesus to a young man on Sunday. He accepted. Therefore Christ won! Have a great day in the Lord.