Have you ever heard the ancestral adage, “If you lie, you’ll steal and if you steal, you’ll kill”? These particular individuals were thought by our ancestors to pose a threat to our familial environments. People who fell into this class were labeled worthless, shiftless, dangerous and never to be trusted. In other words, these are the individuals who will stop at nothing to accomplish their demonic agendas. In the spiritual world, there are two forces: the Holy Spirit and demonic spirits. Demonic spirits work in concert with each other. Because they are not of God, they need a team to do what God can do with one! This “team” represents a vast collection of spirits. The term “familiar spirits” defines a collection of demonic forces created to interfere with the purpose and plans of God. Have you ever heard this statement, “If you tell one lie, then you’ve got to tell another one to cover up for the first one”? As His “elect” we’ve been destined in this life to be tossed and driven by experiencing trouble on every side. Demonic foot soldiers use spiritual strongholds that target the saved to prevent us from honoring God by living a holy life. For example, a lying spirit is usually accompanied by other spirits to strengthen the works of deception. A liar will often bear the fruit of the spirits of manipulation, deception, profanity, pride, and self-righteousness. The bible tells us that we will know them by the fruits they bear.
As Christians we must always be ready to give a defense for the hope that is within us. God created the Holy Spirit for our comfort after the death of Jesus Christ. The “Comforter” was sent to assist us with daily righteous living. God provided us with a weapon that far exceeds anything we could do in the flesh regarding demonic spirits. Be mindful that we war NOT in flesh but with spiritual principalities in high places. “High places” does not apply to our homes, jobs, organizations and our church relationships! This greatest weapon for destroying “familiar spirits” is PRAYER! Ask the Lord to sharpen your gift of discernment such that when you’re faced with spiritual lions (loud, obnoxious bullies), tigers (sneaky, and spiteful people) and bears, (lazy, shifty, and unlearned), you will know to pray a prayer of correction, promise and prosperity for that misguided soul. Remember to address situations/people with love as you would want correction. Love covers a multitude of sin. Get ready to experience God on a higher level. Your strength is obtained by the reading and hearing of God’s word which will equip you with a fervent and effectual prayer life. Wage war on the enemy through prayer to destroy attacks from “familiar spirits”. God is waiting for you to use the authority He has invested in you!