Are you drawing individuals to Christ or is your behavior turning the unsaved away? Are you witnessing in love? Or are you beating people over the heads with your bible? Are you speaking on a level that the unsaved understand? Or are you so holier than Thou, that you offend and degrade people with your conversations that contain ONLY scriptures? Think about these questions for a moment. Why? Your answers will determine exactly what type of soul-winner you really are. Our job is to sow seeds that will win souls over to Christ. John 1:8...we are not that Light (Jesus) but we were sent to bear witness of that "Light", Yet how do we offer Christ successfully without judgement and persecution from others as well as experiencing any embarrassment on our parts?
First we must recognize who we are in Christ. We must be firmly established in our faith in order to give a defense for the hope that is within us. People judge God according to the behavior of His children. Is this right? Well in part, the answer is yes and no. People judge according to what they SEE! Is this fair? No, but we deal with an accusatory world led by the enemy. Again, should people judge God according to our behavior? Yes because we are supposed to be images of Christ. People accuse or slander God (God's children) by what they consider as unholy conduct of the "saved". Just as God's word is there for the saved, the enemy's intent is to destroy the image of God. He does this by offering temptation/sin into our spirits to cast negativity and doubt. Satan wants to present God as a liar by keeping the unsaved ignorant and by tempting the saved.
For example, I cannot speak love for my neighbor and in anger construct acts of violence against him. I cannot claim righteous living by lusting and/or sleeping with my neighbor's spouse. I cannot speak holy and conveniently curse. I cannot be forgiven unless I am willing to forgive those who have done things against me. These billboard acts of sin speak against God in a world that is already looking to condemn Him. Therefore we must be extremely careful on how we present ourselves. Remember we represent God and Christ. Be a beacon of light for the "Light" this week on your journey to save souls!
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